Introduction and background

►The problem

The world is entering a period of declining non-renewable energy resources, popularly known as ‘Peak Oil’, while energy demand is increasing. The world’s oil production is expected to decline in between one and ten decades (Crookes, 2006). As a result of this impending energy crisis, both governments and private industry are examining alternative sources of energy. Other non-renewable sources of energy exist, such as coal and uranium; however, these sources are limited and will also inevitably decline in availability.

►Introduction and background:

Our reliance on fossil fuels has caused carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment of the atmosphere, and is the primary contributor to the generally-accepted phenomenon called global warming. Because using coal produces even greater CO2 emissions than oil, the depletion of oil will be unlikely to improve this pattern of CO2 enrichment. In order to realize a stable energy alternative that will meet world demand while mitigating climate change, it is necessary to develop renewable clean fuels. Ironically, most renewable energy initiatives are focused on electricity generation, while the majority of world energy consumption, about two thirds, is derived from liquid fuels (Hankamer et al., 2007). The need for renewable sources of portable, liquid fuel is starting to receive greater attention, and much of this attention has been focused on biomass-derived liquid fuels, or biofuels (Schneider, 2006; Haag, 2007). Government organizations and major corporations are beginning to seriously invest in the biofuels market, in both research and commercial production; however, the many existing alternatives such as ethanol, hydrogen, and conventional biodiesel fail to be cost competitive with petroleum (Scott and Bryner, 2006). This research paper examines the feasibility of biodiesel as a potential replacement for petroleum-based liquid fuels. In particular, the use algae as a source of biomass for fuel production is investigated, in terms of its productivity, practicality, and innovative potential to create a cost competitive, environmentally friendly, and renewable source of liquid fuel (biofuel or biodiesel).

Adopting biodiesel has a number of advantages. Firstly, because the fuel is derived from biomass, it does not contribute to atmospheric CO2 emissions. Second, biodiesel emissions are, on the whole, lower than petroleum diesel. Substituting biodiesel for petroleum diesel results in substantial reductions of soot, sulphur, unburned hydrocarbon, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions (Rakopoulos et al., 2006; Aresta et al., 2005; Demirbas, 2007). Third, the infrastructure needed for biodiesel already exists. Biodiesel can be used in existing diesel engines blended with petroleum diesel, or can be run unblended in engines with minor modifications (Crookes, 2006; Rakopoulos et al., 2006; Bowman et al. 2006). Because biodiesel has twice the viscosity of petroleum diesel, its lubrication properties can actually improve engine life (Bowman et al. 2006). Fourth, biodiesel has low toxicity and is biodegradable (Aresta et al., 2005; Demirbas, 2007). Fifth, like petroleum diesel, biodiesel has a more complete combustion than gasoline, giving a cleaner burn (Bowman et al., 2006).

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